Products and Solutions
CAS Hemera
CAS, through the CAS Hemera, provides electricity distribution, water and gas businesses a new concept of tracking information about their customers.
Continuous monitoring of data demands systematic routine data collection and analysis. On the one hand the amount of information increases, on the other, the application of technology can reduce the time spent on analysis converting it into action. This is the proposal of the CAS Hemera.
Developed for operational and strategic support for dealers and distributors, the CAS Hemera contributes towards the optimization of time and resources for the whole process of measurement, analysis, action and billing.
How to reduce losses and maintain revenue assurance
The continuous measurement analysis using the concepts of monitoring and intelligent networks contributes to the rapid identification of anomalies or defects that affect the bottom line. These anomalies and defects can be resolved in substantially less time, proportionally reducing losses and enabling swift action to guarantee revenue.
Innovation in the management of distribution
The CAS Hemera combines tools that help dealers and distributors in the continuous monitoring of their customers, offering the opportunity of managing the distribution of electricity, water and gas in order to reduce losses and maintain revenue assurance.
Quick and simple, the process is managed by the platform, which helps the teams involved in the delegation of tasks and the monitoring of results.
- The CAS Hemera serves several meters including ASME, ANSI and IEC, working to optimize the investment in the installed meter base.
- The embedded intelligence in the Line RS2000 line allows measurement and information monitoring associated with the concept of intelligent networks.
CAS Hemera Composition
Telemetry for business
Telemetry technologies contribute to the achievement of rapid and safe data measurement and meter status, allowing remote assistance.
CAS provides remote communication via GSM/GPRS, Bluetooth, radiofrequency and WAN/LAN.
Data collection
Data collection is performed automatically and in an organized way with the use of telemetry, avoiding reading errors and prioritizing the integrity of data.
Data collected manually can also be added to the database.
Information presentation
The collected data are processed to allow a working definition of customer profiles and data types to be created, allowing the pre-analysis and pre-checks using graphs and tables.
Third Part Software
The CAS Hemera Platform offers the opportunity for integration of the acquired data with corporate systems, including billing systems.
Automatic analysis
The automatic analysis of data based on rules previously established by the utility are easily configurable, allowing the skills of the analyst’s research to focus on cases that require detailed study, optimizing time and resources to resolve any anomalies or failures.
The application of integrated intelligence into the workflow between areas responsible for metering, billing and maintenance provides agility in the resolution process.